A Laracha Activa e o Mar de Caión Programme

30/08/2024 - 21/09/2024


A Laracha Activa e o Mar de Caión Programme

Environmental programme of activities of the Concello de A Laracha with workshops, walks and exhibitions.

EXHIBITION THE BATS DE GALICIA: from August 30th to September 18th . In the sociocultural centre of Caión.

NIGHT ROUTE TO DISCOVER THE BATS OF CAIÓN "BATS, THE INVISIBLES TURN VISIBLE", Caión sociocommunity centre, duration 3 hours, 20 places. All audiences.

REDEIRAS WORKSHOP. Galician Federation of Artisan Redeiras El Muelle. Community centre of Caión. Duration 1.5 hours. FOR CHILDREN BETWEEN 8 AND 10 YEARS OLD.

WALKING ON THE BLUE PATH "THE SEA IS AN INSEPARABLE PART OF CAION LIFE AND HISTORY" Together with the Guild. 2.5 hours. 30 places. All audiences.

WORKSHOP TO LEARN ABOUT THE COASTAL SPECIES. "THE TREASURES OF THE SEA OF CAION" Next to the Guild. 1.5 hours. 20 places. All audiences.

To sign up for the activities, please send an email to turismo@alaracha.gal or call 981 604 328.

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