Semana Cultural of Zas 2024

05/08/2024 - 10/08/2024


Semana Cultural of Zas 2024

The 39th Festa da Carballeira (9 and 10 August) and with it the Cultural Week that starts next Monday, 5 August, to place our municipality in one of the cultural and musical references of the whole region and beyond.

"This is a special programme put on by the Zas Council with top-level activities, all of them free of charge", says the Mayor of Zas, Manuel Muíño. The programme includes children s and adult workshops, guided tours, classic astronomical observation, exhibitions, cinema, etc. In addition, throughout the week there will be an exhibition at the Zas Social and Cultural Centre (from 17:00 to 20:00) with the work of students of basket-making, handicrafts, embroidery, floral art and restoration, and an exhibition on the 39th Anniversary of the Carballeira. These are the activities we have prepared:

Monday, 5 August

10:00 hours: Urban Dance Workshop for children. Zas Sociocultural Centre. It is necessary to register in advance
17:00 hours: Guided visit to the chapels and fountains of the popular pilgrimages. Guided by Evaristo Domínguez, we will visit Santa Margarita de Muíño, San Roque do Monte and Sna Ramón do Allo. We will leave by bus from the Social and Cultural Centre of Zas. To attend it is necessary to register in advance at https://bit.ly/Capelas_Fontes
22:30 hours: Astronomical observation from the tomb of the warrior Brandomil (Arca da Piosa) with Jorge Mira. Departure at 22:30 hours from Santa Sía de Roma. It is necessary to register in advance at https://bit.ly/ObservacionAstronomica

Tuesday, 6th August

12:30 p.m.: Children s storytelling with the bard Abelardo who brings us "A música das árbores". Zas Social and Cultural Centre
18:00 hours: "Scrap" workshop for adults. Zas Social and Cultural Centre
18:00 hours: PequeChef, healthy cooking workshop for children. Zas Social and Cultural Centre.
20:00 hours: Presentation of the exhibition "A Costa da Morte baixo as estrelas", by Ana García.
20:30 hours: Screening of "LAR"; a documentary of dreams and memories produced by AGARESO.
22:00 hours: Concert by Maricarme Trad in the river field, next to the entrance of the Carballeira

Wednesday, 7th August

10:00 hours: Urban Dance Workshop for children. Zas Social and Cultural Centre
11:30 a.m.: Inauguration of the Encontro Atlántico de Festivais de Cinema in Torres do Allo. Afterwards, at 12:00 hours, round table between filmmakers and professionals of the sector.
17:00 hours: Guided visit to the Allo Towers
18:00 hours: Scrapbooking workshop for adults. Sociocultural Centre of Zas
19:00 hours: Presentation of the Fouciño Awards at the Encontro Atlántico de Festivais de Cinema with a screening of the films chosen in previous editions. And then, at 20:30 hours, selection of short films. City Council Auditorium
22:00 hours: Open air cinema "O Corno" in the Town Hall Square. Aimed at adult audiences

Thursday, 8th August

12:30 hours: Shows with Mago Paco at the Zas Social and Cultural Centre. For children
18:00 hours: Workshop for adults "Borda as túas fotos" at the Zas Social and Cultural Centre. To participate it is necessary to register in advance
18:00 hours: PequeChef, healthy cooking workshop for children. Zas Social and Cultural Centre.
19:00: "Paxariños"; storytelling with the company Trinke Trinke. Zas Social and Cultural Centre.
21:00: Monologue "Quéroche un conto" with Marita Martínez. Zas Social and Cultural Centre

Friday, 9th August

10:00 hours: Urban Dance Workshop for children. Zas Social and Cultural Centre
18:00 hours: Workshop for adults "Borda as túas fotos" at the Zas Social and Cultural Centre.
21:30 hours: The 39th Festa da Carballeira starts with performances by Maneiro, Amparanoia and Rbeliom do inframundo. The festival continues on Saturday throughout the day with a craft fair, Marcos Mariño exhibition, a "vemú" session with a popular "mexilloada", children s activities, a great foliada and lots of music!

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