Festivals and fairs
Shipwreck of Laxe in 2018
The Shipwreck is a homage that the people of the sea of Laxe do him to the Virgin of Carmen, patron saint of the sailors, by his protection and help during all the year. The celebration realises annually since it was established in the year 1962 by Avelino Saint Lemma, sailor of Laxe surviving to three shipwrecks.
"Camariñas, todo o mar" queen of the carnivals during august in Costa da Morte
To the 17 to 19 August in Camariñas will be able to enjoy of the tourism, fishing, gastronomy, culture, ethnography, music, craftsmanship... at the Sea Carnival «Camariñas, todo o mar», that besides premières image and brings novelties. It was presented yesterday by the mayor, Manuel Valeriano Alonso, and by the conceliers María José Gerpe and Sandra Insua. The proposal, to which the City council has wanted to give him an impulse, aspires to be a referent for all Galicia.«Camariñas, todo o mar» is born from «Expo Ría». wants to multiply his scope, involving to all the neighbours and giving life as to a polyhedral «contest» that will include all the appearances that surround the sea, source of life in this municipality that is heart of the Costa da Morte. To the protect of this Carnival, for example, the city council will do delivery of the prizes Mar de Camariñas, for people and institutions with paths accredited in this field. They will be three days of multiple activity: exhibition and sale of craftsmanship, live music, dance, workshops for boys, talks of ethnographic divulging, sailor routes...
Fisterra Saint Week
The Saint Week of Finisterre, declared as of National Tourist Interest, consists in 5 days of representations with his different representative aand liturgical acts, in which the village go back assuming each one his place and his paper to give life to the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ.
Mostra do Encaixe (Lace Fashion Show)
Every Easter since 1981, Her Royal Highness Queen Sophia has presided over the "Mostra do Encaixe de Camariñas" (The Camariñas Lace Fashion Show). The event has become an internationally renowned cultural and commercial success and has been declared an Event of Tourist Interest in Galicia.
Festa do percebe(barnacles) in Corme
Since 1992, in July has been the date for this celebration of the famous percebes(barnacles) from Roncudo. During this day, the village of Corme is taken over by people from all over who come in search of this prized delicacy. The date of the Festa do Percebe has been carefully planned by the organisers. They check to see the moon phase around these dates to ensure that there will be extreme low tides in the three days preceding the event. This means that more percebes will be exposed on the beautiful yet dangerous rocks of Roncudo for the daring percebeiras (the people who collect the percebes) to collect. These are said to be the best percebes in the world. More than 1000 kg of percebes are eaten in the best way possible - accompanied by a bottle of good wine and a plate full of cachelos (whole cooked potatoes).
Romería Nosa Señora da Barca
The romaría (pilgrimage / procession) to Nosa Señora da Barca, in Muxía, is one of the oldest and most important in all of Galicia. The Virgin does not offer protection from any specific ill, but her popularity is based on the fact that she grants the wishes of all those that ask in true faith. The festivities took place from the 8th to the 11th of September in 2017. The event has been declared an Event of National Tourist Interest.
Carballeira´s Party 2017
Galicia has always been a land of religious festas and romarías (processions or pilgrimages). However, as the religious importance of these events has waned, many of the celebrations have been lost whilst others have changed with the times or been replaced by other, non-religious forms of celebration.
Assault to the Castle
The assault was born, does already 22 years like an act of rebeldía spontaneous by part of a group of chaval@s of AXVALSO, annoying by the deal that had received "of which can". Of peaceful and cheerful way improvised a night of protests in front of the Castelo.Proud of his defence -and attack- were further and institutionalised the act. It is born the Round by those dates the "Round". The fault of backrest by part "of which think by and for all" give him even more felt to the starts of the party: it supposed a claim irmandiña and venue in front of the emblem of the municipality, the towers of Martelo.With the step of the years, the Round attains his settlement, but the time mine the energies of the people that move in these works. The generations exhaust and tend the hand to other hands solidarias and friends that are? Conscious of the value of the party and of the people that imagined it and brought it until the present continues from the 2010 to work in the Round.? Respecting the original spirit and with a municipality already surrendered to the charms and sense of the party, pretends him give spirit to new artistic demonstrations that add to the classical repertoire composed by theatre, music and gastronomy. True is also that edition to edition try correct all the problems motivated by the greater influx of people. Anyway, it is constant fight to try carry the Round in the best conditions to the future and find there other hands solidarias and fellow.? In summary, with the Round assist to a look in the time: between the history irmandiña and we, between the monumental stones and we, between us and the future.