Carnota Beach

Carnota Beach

The crescent-moon shaped beach of Carnota is a beautiful natural area of special environmental interest. Behind the gigantic sandy beach (over 7 km from end to end), there is a set of sand dunes and marshes. The small lake is home to communities of animals and plants of great interest. These include Aberberecheiras (winkles), Cangrexeiras (crabs), Carrofeito and frogs. This is also a wonderful spot for birdwatchers as it is a refuge for dozens of species of migratory birds as well as those that make this their home year-round. It is also one of the few places in Galicia where the Kentish plover nests.

In the middle of the beach, the Río Vadebois estuary makes a spectacular sight and it is known locally as Boca do Río (Mouth of the River).