CONCURSO #muraisLarCMAT - Bases

  1. Introduction

This promotional activity will be organized by CMAT, with address at Lugar de Lires 82, 15270, A Coruña, CIF: G70446810 in collaboration with Suministros Lar, with registered office at Lugar de Xallas 28, Cee, CIF: A15037351.

The ultimate goal is to promote tourism in the area of ​​Costa da Morte and expand the number of followers and impact on social media, and more specifically on Instagram (www.instagram.com)


  1. People to whom the contest is addressed

Any natural persons of legal age residing in Spain or in any other European country ruled by the Organic Law on Data Protection may participate in the contest.

In addition, all participants must be Instagram followers of the @visitacostadamorte and @suministroslar.


  1. Date

The present contest will be active from 07/01/2019 to 12/15/2019, both included.


  1. Mechanism of participation

From all the profiles of CMAT and Suministros Lar a contest will be announced that will take place on Instagram. The contest will consist of a publication on his Instagram profile of a photo taken at the Lar na Escola tile mural exhibition that will remain on display until December in the Sanxenxo seafront (Pontevedra), with water sports themes.

The photographs are freestyle, provided that at least one of the eight murals on display is included. They must be accompanied by a photo caption with the hashtag #muraislarcmat.

Participants must have their account open, without privacy restrictions that prevent other users from accessing the photograph and voting for it if they consider it appropriate. In the same way, it will be obligatory to follow the Instagram accounts of the CMAT (@visitacostadamorte) and Suministros Lar (@suministroslar) so that the photo is rated.

Each contestant will be able to upload as many photos as they wish during the different periods of the contest, although the number of them will not be taken into account, but the popularity, individually. It will be valued through the number of likes that reach. Videos will not be accepted. Only those photographs that strictly comply with the theme of the contest can be assessed.

All photographs must be of own authorship. The user is directly responsible for uploading the photo about not violating Intellectual Property rights. The contestants assume that they give the organizing entities of the contest (CMAT and Suministros Lar) the right to share the participating photographs, for their dissemination on social networks and on the corresponding websites.

The organizers reserve the right to disqualify and report to Instagram those inappropriate photographs or that violate the right to honor third parties.

The winner will be decided based on the number of likes that each photograph accumulates, declaring as winner the photograph that reaches the most likes in each period of the edition.

The likes are not accumulative, since only the ones reached by the photos that were taken within each two weeks will be taken into account. That means, voting a photograph of a previous term in which a winner has already been declared will have no value.

Each prize will consist of a free experience in Costa da Morte, most stays in accommodations.

Prizes are limited to one per person, although participation is not restricted between reward periods or within the same period.

A total of 15 prizes will be awarded: 4 in the month of July (2 prizes every fortnight), 4 in August (2 prizes every fortnight), 2 in September (one prize every fortnight), 2 in October (one prize every fortnight) , 1 in November (one prize in the month) and 2 in December (two prizes in the fortnight).

A list of the 15 different prizes will be available on the organizers website. The winner can choose from the list which one he wants to enjoy.

The renunciation of the prize will not give any right of compensation.

The organizers are not responsible for claims related to the enjoyment of the prize.

The organizers reserve the right to declare null the participations in which fraudulent use is detected. They will not have the right to enjoy the prizes that have been obtained through some fraud, for example, the use of bot accounts.


  1. Prize communication

Within a period of three days after finishing each phase of the contest, the winner of each period will be published on the Twitter, Facebook and Instagram profiles of CMAT.

To obtain the prize, the user has to confirm their contact information by private message through Instagram. After five days from the publication of the winner, if he does not contact the CMAT for the confirmation of his data, he will lose the status of winner and will contact the substitute, that is, the author of the second photo with more likes.

The winners will be shared also at the social networks of Suministros Lar, as well as the content related to the contest that the social media manager considers appropriate, but the management of prizes and communication with the winners will be carried out exclusively by the CMAT.

The prize will be sent to the email address that the winner provides and will consist of a gift voucher to redeem.

The winners will be able to enjoy the prize during the low season period (between 09/31/2019 and 06/01/2020, excluding holidays and Easter), subject to the availability of each of the establishments. Reservations will be processed directly with the chosen establishment.

The prizes, under no circumstances, may be exchanged for any other gift or redeemed for their equivalent cash compensation. However, winners have the right to assign prize enjoyment to some other person, if they consider it and notify the organizers as well.


  1. Company responsibility

The organizers reserve the right to shorten, extend, modify or cancel this contest if they deem it convenient or if special cases occur in which the performance of the same is prevented.

Likewise, CMAT reserves the right to eliminate comments that do not conform to its organizational philosophy or that are considered offensive to other Internet users.

It will not be held responsible for the affirmations made through the social network of third parties, being able to carry out the judicial actions that it believes pertinent against them.

Nor is responsible for any damages or losses that may occur when the winner enjoys the prize.


  1. Treatment of personal data

The personal data provided will be incorporated into an automated file, property of CMAT and Suministros Lar. The treatment of the same will be done in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, Law 34/2002, Services of the Society of Information and electronic commerce (LSSI), regarding the way of offering information on the Internet and Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law.

The organizers Suministros Lar and CMAT will not transfer the data they collect to any third entity without prior and express authorization of the interested party. Likewise, they will store the winners data for merely organizational purposes related to the redeem of prizes and only until all the winners have enjoyed their corresponding reward.

The winners may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and / or opposition to the organizing entities through the following email address: comunicacion@visitacostadamorte.com


  1. Applicable law

For everything that is not specified in these legal bases of the contest on Instagram, the promotion will be subject to the Spanish regulations that are in force at that time.

In the event of litigation, the Courts and Tribunals of Corcubión will resolve the dispute, without prejudice to the jurisdiction that may correspond according to the applicable regulations.

By accepting the rules of participation, Instagram is completely exonerated from all liability. This contest is not sponsored, endorsed, associated or managed by Instagram in any way.


  1. Acceptance of the contest rules

By participating in the contest and giving your personal data is expressly accepting the previous terms of the contest. In case you want more information you can contact the organizing company by sending an email to comunicacion@visitacostadamorte.com