Costa da Morte is the last point of Europe where the sun disappears.
Between 24 March and on 24 April and from the 18 August to 19 September, Cape Touriñán in the Costa da Morte is the last place of the Continental Europe in which they put the sun. In the period of a year, does not exist an only geographic point from what contemplate the last dusk in this part of the planet, but it is a privilege of five locations of the atlantic coast European delivered between Spain, Portugal and Norway. The chair of Electromagnetism Jorge Looks Pérez finishes to publish an article in which it tracks. The last put of sun in the continental Europe, title of the article that finishes to publish in the magazine "Cartography and Geographic Information Science", included between the ones of higher impact in the thematic field of the Geography.
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Beside the periods in which this last dusk can observe from Galician terrain, Jorge Looks signals other four emplazamientos: between 19 October and on 21 February it would be located in the Cape of Sãor Vicente in Portugal, to what takes the relief Cape of the Rock, also in terrain luso, between the 21 February and few days after the equinox of spring and from some days before the equinox of autumn until 19 October. The others two locations stood out are a next place the Aglapsvik in the continental south of Tromsø (Norway) roughly of 24 April to 1 May and of the 11 to 18 August, and a location in the municipality of Måsøand south of Havøysund, also in Norway (roughly of the 1 to 11 May and of the 1 to 11 August).
The transfer of this singular point of reference along the atlantic geography associates. To the cambiante orientation of the axis of rotation of the earth with respect in the sunlight. As it adds the author of the work, the theoretical calculations of the hours of exit and put of the sun apply only to level of the mar. Explains also that the real times in that it observes that the sun goes up and establishes in a particular place diverge of the theoretical calculation, because of the atmospheric conditions, the pressure and the atmospheric composition and other variables such as the effects of the atmospheric refraction in the time of put of the sun in latitudes higher, that create discrepancies still greater in the arctic area.
Galicia alternating with Portugal and Norwegian in the continental point of dusk
The professor Looks specifies that in the dates in that the put of sun changes of a point to another. They oscillate between a day and the following with a period of some years, mainly because of the calendar of year bisesto, to the equal that the ones of the equinoxes and solstices. Like curiosity, the chair of Electromagnetism aims as us days 24 April and 18 August the moment of last European dusk, that produces simultaneously in the Costa da Morte and in a next place to the Norwegian city of Tromsø, coincides with the one of the last dusk of the African continent.
In the same article Jorge Looks also locates the first point in which it can contemplate the dawn of Spain. Against the belief that it produces in the most oriental point of Spain, near of Mahón -in the island of Menorca-, "find us that this is not like this during all the year, but in a period of four months, from the 21 April to 21 August, this first dawn in Spain produces in Cape of Creus in Girona".