Deputation finances with 69.200 euros the activitie of ecomuseum of Forno do Forte
The president of the Diputación da Coruña, Valentín González Formoso, and the mayor of Malpica, Eduardo Parga Veiga, signed this morning at the headquarters of the provincial institution the pact for the financing of the activities of the Alcaught eco-furnace Forte during the year 2019.
The provincial institution will attract 69,200 euros to the municipality of Malpica to cover 100% of the costs of maintenance and promotion of the eco-kiln of the Forte of Buño, with an object to guarantee the maintenance of the whole Etnographic
González Formoso said that there are many more deans of the decade, the reputation of the Coruña collaborates Co-municipalities of Malpica de Bergantiños to value and diffusion of the traditional Ceramic of Buño, showing from the daily life of the Artesáns, all the process of elaboration of pieces, with the guidelines that recover and preserve the architectonic elements own the house dedicated to the ceramic. The provincial president stressed that, besides financing these activities, the Deputación da Coruña also supports each year the celebration of the Mostra de Olería de Buño, which is destined to 80,000 euros in recent years.
The visitors of the furnace of Forte Teñen the opportunity to know all the process of production, to conserve and value the popular culture and is also an important tourist resource And ethnography of the district.
The agreed between González Formoso and Parga Veiga, renews the commitment of the Deputación with Forno do Forte. Among to make a minimum time of attention to the public from 11.00 to 14.00 hours and from 16.00 hours to 19.00 hours, every day of the week except mondays. They keep the tavern to the at of visitors, Wedge offer based on the traditional products of the zone, promote and study and research in Asociación with entities.