Dolmen Pedra da Arca

Pedra da Arca dates to the period between 3500 and 2700 B. C., the period of greatest splendour of the megalithic culture. Part of the mound which covers the dolmen is still intact where you can see the remains of a crown of stones.

It is one of the largest dolmens in Galicia and has a polygonal chamber and an east-facing corridor. The topstone is split in two (the outline of a borehole can still be seen in the centre of the fracture line) and it is supported by six upright monoliths.

The topstone measures 4 metres long by 1.80 metres wide and has an average thickness of 70 cm. The largest of the upright stones measures 2.5 m tall by 1.9 m wide and the smallest measures 1.9 m tall by 1.0 m wide. If you like myths and legends, the local tradition says that a Moorish woman built Pedra da Arca. She carried the stones on her head whilst sewing and breastfeeding her child.
