May, month of Galician Literature on the Costa da Morte
As every year, the 17th of May is the Day of the Letras Galegas. This year the day is dedicated to the writer Luísa Villalta (1957-2004) from A Coruña. On the occasion of this important celebration for Galician culture, the town councils of the Costa da Morte are organising a large number of activities and events of a recreational and cultural nature.
Check the events that will take place during the month of May on the occasion of the Letras Galegas 2024 in Costa da Morte.
- Maio, mes das Letras en Cee
- Maio de Letras en Dumbría
- Programa das Letras Galegas en Carballo
- No tempo das Flores e das Letras, Cabana de Bergantiños
- Maio, mes das Letras en Zas
- Letras Galegas en Vimianzo
- Letras Galegas en A Laracha
Here you can consult all the activities programmed for the 17th of May, Día das Letras Galegas na Costa da Morte (Day of Galician Letters on the Costa da Morte):