Composition and functions
Current composition:
- President: Manuel Muíño Espasandín (Mayor of Zas)
- Vice president: María Lema(councillor for tourism of Dumbria )
- Secretary: Pepe Formoso ( president of APTCM)
- Treasurer: José Muíño (Mayor of Cabana)
- Vowel: Áuera Domónguez (Mayoress of Finisterre)
- Vowel: Juan Carlos García (Mayor of Coristanco)
- Vowel: Damián Álvarez (secretary APTCM)
The main functions of CMAT, in accordance with his statutes are:
- Promote the tourist destination Costa da Morte.
- Improve the quality and the innovation permanently in services and tourist products, developing them with sustainability criteria.
- Consolidate and expand the offer to segments with potential capacity of growth, to face successfully the global development of the region sector.
- Strengthen and expand the tourist offer of Costa da Morte to face with guarantees the challenges and opportunities of the tourist segments consolidated.
- Contribute to the economic and social development in his zone of performance, facilitating a structure of concertación, cooperation, advice and direct support that allow him Collect the collaboration of the public power, arouse the materialisation and projects of tourist development in the frame of the announcements of autonomic field, state and of the European Union.
- Participate in those initiatives and local programs, autonomic, state or community that summon that they can be of interest for the association
For the fulfillment of the aims of the CMAT, @realizar , between others, the following activities:
- Edition of catalogues and promotional material in several languages.
- Promotion between tour-operators to give to know the existent offer in the tourist destination through the distribution of promotional material and “ Fam- Trips”
- Assist to state tourist fairs and international.
- Guarantee the presence in means through the insertion of announcements in mass media and state skilled publications and international.
- Invite the skilled journalists and other prescriptores of repercussion mediática.
- Complete the information collected in the web page.
- Promote an offer of quality in accommodations and restoration through the training of the empresariado (quality, Internet, etc.).
- Set up and incentivar the creation of tourist packages multiempresa.
- Promote a diverse offer through the support to the creation of tourist companies.
- Improve the qualification of the personnel and promote the stable employment in the tourist sector.
- Concienciar The local population on the importance of the tourism in the Costa da Morte.
- Develop a tourist activity with criteria of sustainability and respect to the environment.
- Expand the number of visitors of the Costa da Morte thanks to the tourism came from you of other areas of Galicia.
- Develop the possibilities of the sailor tourism, natural and cultural.
- Improve Costa da Morte like destination of “ city breaks”(visit of @end).
- Promote the development of other segments (tourism of adventure, familiar, etc).
- Strengthening and put in value of the offer patrimonial and cultural of the Costa da Morte.
- Expand and diversify the cultural offer based in the immaterial heritage.