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Success in the presentation of the manuals for the prevention for the COVID-19 of the tourist sector of the Xunta de Galicia

Yesterday the Consellería de Cultura e Turismo of the Xunta de Galicia presented through a webinar the manuals for prevention of the COVID-19 for the touristic sector with great success of assistance. More than a thousand people followed the presentation yesterday via streaming and Youtube  - where you can currently view the video It consisted of the intervention of the experts who advised in the elaboration of the manuals and, later, a round of questions in for the professionals of the Galician tourism


Xunta de Galicia: Plan to reactivate the cultural and tourist sector

Here you can read the plan that the Xunta de Galicia is going to implement to reactivate tourism in the territory in this new scenario that the crisis of COVID-19 has left us with: