World Starlight Night

20/04/2024 - 20/04/2024

Costa da Morte

World Starlight Night

World Night in Defence of Starlight, also known as World Starlight Night, since it is the Starlight Foundation the promoter of this highlight. The World Starlight Night coincides with the signing in 2007, during the First International Starlight Conference, of the "Declaration of Palma in Defence of the Night Sky and the Right to Observe the Stars", which aims to consider the sky as a universal heritage to be valued as a cultural, scientific and landscape resource, and to establish the criteria for this.

During this night, it is usual to:

- Organise events and ceremonies for the adoption of the Declaration.

- To propose places to visit for the observation of the sky, as well as parks and destinations under the stars.

- Promote from public bodies the implementation of legislation that limits light pollution and promotes energy saving.

- Switching off unnecessary lights at night to recover the vision of the stars and at the same time save energy and curb climate change.

- Organise artistic events and competitions on themes related to the vision of the starry sky.

- Offer sky observations using telescopes.

- Provide media and public talks by scientists, experts and advocates on the need for quality sky.

- Promote the local identification of areas in need of protection.

- Advocate for local ordinances - Organise events aimed at students and the general public.

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