Costa da Morte

naturally wild


After the acronym CMAT hides the desire to make known a geodestine with a tourist offer as wide as largely unknown, that of A Costa da Morte, a unique territory full of life.

News Costa da Morte

Summer Activities in Costa da Morte 2024

Summer Activities in Costa da Morte 2024


Summer has finally started in Costa da Morte. A time of the year when many people decide to visit this fantastic territory to enjoy their holidays. To make the summer time more enjoyable, we want to share some of the summer activities in Costa da Morte that the 17 municipalities of the geodestination have prepared for the months of July, August and September. Let's go?

CMAT and the Diputación de A Coruña collaborate one more year for the tourist development of the Costa da Morte

CMAT and the Provincial Council of A Coruña collaborate one more year for the tourist development of the Costa da Morte


ZAS, 09/07/2024. Costa da Morte Tourism Association (CMAT) receives the support of the Provincial Council of A Coruña through the award of the grant within the aid programme aimed at tourism management bodies to improve the quality, competitiveness and tourism activities in the province of A Coruña in the year 2024.

The UDC Summer Course on Tourism concludes successfully with major conclusions on the importance of smart management in the tourism sector

The UDC Summer Course on Tourism concludes successfully with major conclusions on the importance of smart management in the tourism sector


ZAS, 03/07/2024. CMAT, with the support of the Provincial Council of A Coruña, actively participated in the Summer Course organised by the University of A Coruña (UDC) and entitled "Transformation in Tourism: Opportunities, Challenges and Success Cases in Smart Tourism Management". During the event, several members of the association spoke, including the president, Manuel Muíño and Catherine García Pernas, member of the CMAT Technical Secretariat, from Grupo Atlante.

1st Costa da Morte Naturalmente Salvaxe Photo Contest

CMAT launches the 1st Costa da Morte, Naturalmente Salvaxe Photo Contest


ZAS, 25/06/2024. The Costa da Morte Tourism Association (CMAT), with the support of the Provincial Council of A Coruña, is organising the "I Photographic Contest Costa da Morte, Naturally Wild". A competition aimed at any person to highlight the value of the territory and make known the different places and resources of the Costa da Morte.

Discover the Best Plans for the Saint John

Discover the Best Plans for the Saint John


The Costa da Morte is a magical destination all year round, but let's be honest. The Saint John's Eve in Galicia is the most magical of all! During this time, we celebrate that the days are eternal and the night is special. It is the day to kick the witches out and welcome the summer. That's why, if you are planning to be on the Costa da Morte during these dates, we leave you a list with the best plans for the Saint John's Eve 2024 on the Costa da Morte. Fire!

Event on light pollution on the Costa da Morte

CMAT warns of the need to raise awareness of the challenges of light pollution on the Costa da Morte


CABANA DE BERGANTIÑOS, 13/06/2024. Costa da Morte Tourist Association (CMAT) has organised, with the collaboration of the Cabana de Bergantiños Town Council and the co-financing of the Provincial Council of A Coruña and CMAT itself through the aids to tourist management bodies in the province, an information day to raise awareness among mayors, technical staff and businessmen of the Costa da Morte about the problem of light pollution.