
Lighting of the Ézaro Waterfall 2024

Lighting of the Ézaro Waterfall, in Dumbría

28/06/2024 - 21/09/2024

Lighting of the Ézaro waterfall during the summer months on Fridays, Saturdays and the eve of public holidays.

Summer cultural and leisure programme in Carnota 2024

Summer cultural and leisure programme in Carnota

01/07/2024 - 31/08/2024

The Council of Carnota presents its programme of leisure, cultural and sports activities for this summer 2024.

You can consult the complete programme in the following link: https://www.carnota.gal/2024/06/05/elementor-30568/

Summer 2024 in Malpica de Bergantiños

01/07/2024 - 31/08/2024

O Concello de Malpica de Bergantiños, xunto coas asociacións, presentou o seu amplo e variado programa de actividades para o verán 2024, deseñado para todas as idades e intereses. O programa inclúe actividades culturais, deportivas e de lecer que se desenvolverán ao longo dos meses de xullo e agosto, promovendo a participación cidadá e o goce do tempo libre.

Guided tours of Corcubión

Guided tours of Corcubión

02/07/2024 - 29/08/2024

During the months of July and August there will be free guided tours in the Town Hall of Corcubión. These visits will be of two types:

"UN PASEO POLA HISTORIA DE CORCUBIÓN" will be a journey through the history of the town in which stops will be made in those places and buildings that are most outstanding and that are witness of the development that Corcubion had from the XV century onwards.Meeting point: Corcubion Tourist Office (entrance to the port):Starting time: 18:45h.Days of the tour:* July: 2, 3, 9, 11, 18, 19, 23, 24, and 31.* August: 6, 13, 20 and 28.Approximate duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.Route: starting from the port, you will walk through some of the streets of the historic centre and end the guided tour outside the José Carrera Building (Town Hall).

Exhibition "Musas, Haberlas Haylas"

Exhibition "Musas, Haberlas Haylas", by Diego Pérez Carpeño

02/07/2024 - 31/07/2024

Exhibition of paintings by Diego Pérez Carpeño at the Casa de la Cultura in Cee, from 2 to 31 July 2024. Organised by: Concello de Cee and Ponteceso Permanent Culture.

Laxe Cultural and Sports Summer Programme

Laxe Cultural and Sports Summer Programme

04/07/2024 - 21/09/2024

The City Council of Laxe promotes a full programme of activities for all ages for this summer season.

On the one hand, on July 1st began the first turn of the Peque Campamentos, which will run until the 12th. The second is programmed for the period between the 15th and 29th of July and the third from the 31st of July to the 13th of August. The kids will be able to enjoy different activities from Monday to Friday, such as handicrafts, games, trips to the beach and to the swimming pool, etc.

Cultural Summer 2024 in Cabana de Bergantiños

Cultural Summer 2024 in Cabana de Bergantiños

05/07/2024 - 31/08/2024

Programme of cultural activities of the Council of Cabana de Bergantiños for this summer 2024.

Summer 2024 in Zas

Summer 2024 in Zas

06/07/2024 - 31/08/2024

Este sábado arranca “Verán en Zas”;  un completo programa de ocio e tempo libre deseñado polo Concello de Zas, a través do seus departamentos de Turismo, Cultura e Deportes, no que haberá actividades para toda a veciñanza e en distintas localización do noso municipio.