Turismo de Estrellas

Ven a ver las estrellas al fin del mundo

Costa da Morte es un geodestino de carácter aguerrido, donde podemos encontrar playas salvajes y bellos acantilados que se descubren entre faro y faro. Los espectaculares cielos estrellados y los atardeceres sobre el océano Atlántico no tienen comparación, de hecho, en Costa da Morte se puede vivir el último “solpor” de la Europa Continental.

Costa da Morte es ahora reconocido como Destino Turístico Starlight y cuenta con el sello de la Fundación Starlight como uno de los lugares donde disfrutar del cielo nocturno en Galicia.

Descubre los 10 mejores puntos de observación del cielo nocturno, situados en lugares de especial belleza y de gran valor natural y cultural: el Dolmen Arca da Piosa, la Playa de O Rostro, Cabo Touriñán, Cementerio de los Ingleses, Castro de Borneiro, Punta Nariga, Espazo Natural de Razo-Baldaio, Embalse da Fervenza, Playa de Soesto y el Monte Pindo.

You can also discover the best places in Costa da Morte for stargazing.

Full Moon (Supermoon)

Full Moon (Supermoon) and partial lunar eclipse

17/09/2024 - 18/09/2024

This Full Moon takes place very close to one of those times of the year when it is closest to the Earth: perigee. This is why it appears a little bigger than at other times. An ideal time to see the supermoon from places such as the beaches and viewpoints of the Costa da Morte.

Astronomical Observation: Sun, Moon and Stars

Astronomical Observation: Sun, Moon and Stars

20/09/2024 - 20/09/2024

Astronomical observation by starlight monitors Antón Pazos and Begoña Brao, organised by the establishment O Xastre de Anos on Friday 20 September at 8 pm.

Free rural experience with limited capacity. More information and bookings on whatsapp 611429418.

luz zodiacal

Autumn Equinox

22/09/2024 - 22/03/2024

The autumnal equinox will occur on 22 September at 12:45 UTC. It will be the first day of autumn in the northern hemisphere. At that instant, the Sun "crosses" the Earth s equator.

October Supermoon

October Supermoon

17/10/2024 - 17/10/2024

It is the last supermoon of the year, with the full moon at 11:28 UTC. It occurs during a time when the moon is very close to the earth (the perigee).

Orionid Star Shower 2024

Orionid Star Shower 2024

21/10/2024 - 22/10/2024

The meteor shower takes place from 2 October to 7 November, but the best night to photograph it is between 21 and 22 October. The peak is on 22 October at 05:45 UTC with 20 meteors per hour.

At this time the moon phase is 71.4%, so the conditions for enjoying it are not very good (there is a moon). This meteor shower is visible from both hemispheres.

Leonids Meteor Shower

Leonids Meteor Shower

16/11/2024 - 17/11/2024

The meteor shower takes place from 6 to 30 November, but the best night to photograph it is between 16 and 17 November.

The peak is on 17 November at 07:26 UTC with 15 meteors per hour. At this time the moon phase is 71.4%, so the conditions for enjoying it are not very good (there is a moon). This meteor shower is visible from both hemispheres.

Geminids Star Shower

Geminids Star Shower

13/12/2024 - 14/12/2024

The meteor shower takes place from 4 to 17 December, but the best night to photograph it is between 13 and 14 December. The peak is on 14 December at 02:32 UTC with 120 meteors per hour.

At this time the moon phase is almost full moon, so conditions are not very good. Although it is always a good excuse to enjoy the night sky in the best starlight spots of Costa da Morte.

Winter solstice

Winter solstice

21/12/2024 - 21/12/2024

The December solstice occurs on 21 December at 9:22 UTC. It is the first day of winter in the northern hemisphere.