Exhibition "Pegadas no Tempo", by Isabel Soutullo

Exhibition "Pegadas no Tempo", by Isabel Soutullo

19/04/2024 - 10/05/2024

"Pegadas no tempo" is a short journey from the first exhibition of the self-taught artist born in Coristanco, Isabel Soutullo, to the present day. Oil paintings, collages and photographs in which we can appreciate her concern for the commitment to environmental awareness, the work for gender equality, the recognition of the hard work of farmers and sailors as well as another of the recurring themes in her work, the passage of time.

Exhibition: Vimianzo e as luces na nosa costa

Exhibition: Vimianzo e as luces na nosa costa

26/04/2024 - 27/05/2024

Autor: Antonio Fernández

Opening: 26/04/2024 at 8:00pmSALA ANTÓN MOUZO - CASA DA CULTURA

May, month of "Letras" in Cee

May, month of "Letras" in Cee

01/05/2024 - 25/05/2024

The Council of Cee presents a month of May full of activities in the Casa da Cultura, to which we must add a new edition, and now 36, of the Day of the Muiñeira, which as every year is organised by the Cultural Association Terra de Sena. You can consult all the activities in the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uM6LPpJvOk0jbIk1srdO6v-VMOUFxsOd/view?usp=sharing

maio letras dumbria

"Maio de Letras" in Dumbría

03/05/2024 - 04/06/2024

Activities organised by Dumbría Town Council to celebrate Galician Literature Day:

3 May, storytelling with Duende Sico, who will unite Letters and Sport.

Letters and traditional Music by Ismael Ramos

Letters and traditional Music by Ismael Ramos

04/05/2024 - 04/05/2024

4 May, at 7 p.m., the poet Ismael Ramos, Miguel Hernández National Youth Poetry Prize, awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Sports, among many other awards, visits the Ézaro Waterfall.

From his hand, there will be a journey through part of his work and also through the Galician oral tradition and writing. All this accompanied by a performance with traditional music and in a magical place such as the mouth of the river Xallas, at the foot of its unique waterfall.

Archaeology and social revitalisation

Archaeology and social revitalisation

04/05/2024 - 04/05/2024

The results of the georadar and the new works projected in the Croa do Castro will be presented on the 4th of May, at 18.00 hours, in the auditorium of the CAT (old Regional Centre), in Buño. The event will be attended by Antón Fernandez Malde, archaeologist in charge of the works and the mayor of Malpica, Eduardo Parga.

Eta Aquariid Star shower 2024

Eta Aquariid Star shower 2024

05/05/2024 - 06/05/2024

This star shower takes place between 19 April and 28 May, but the best night to photograph it will be from 5 to 6 May.

During these two days, May 5 and 6, the peak of the Eta Aquariid meteor shower will occur with 14 meteors per hour. The moon will be in a waning, almost new phase, so it will not be a nuisance.

VII Pedestrian Race of Mazaricos

VII Pedestrian Race of Mazaricos

05/05/2024 - 05/05/2024

More information: http://www.mazaricos.gal/events/inscricioncarreirapedestre2024