Activities continue at Torres do Allo

 Activities continue at Torres do Allo

The group etnográfico of Allo offers many and varied options of visit stop this weekend:

Visits Guided: All the days to the 13h. And 17h. Where discover da man of expert guides the place in the that the time stopped since does four hundred and that keeps our history, etnography and nature of only form.

The Game of Tracks: In any moment during it time of opening. (No accurate reservation). Activity designed for families.

II Contest of Mobile Photograph "Enfoques do Allo" . Go it to me part of the sworn and helps to decide the three winning photographs with the yours votes through the social nets of the pazo, Facebook or Instagram. You have to vote tie the 15 of September to the 23:59h. ¡Polgares And hearts to montóns stop our finalist!

Escape Room "Pazo do Allo": All the days to the 11:30h. And 16:30h. The game of escapism more in fashion, stop what already exhausted all the squares, and that puts the proof xs visiting more atrevidxs, that attach the particiar in the first Pazo Get away of the World.

Activities are free for all the publics.

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