Fam Trip "A Ruta dos Faros" GALP Costa da Morte.

 Fam Trip "A Ruta dos Faros" GALP Costa da Morte.

The GALP Costa da Morte invites on Monday, December 3, companies of the Galaic Sea, its scope of action and those of the neighboring territories, to participate in a day of familiarization with the Ruta dos Faros de Galicia. This activity is part of a cooperation project that involves all Galician GALPs, turning the personnel of the establishments of the territory into the main prescriptors of the Lighthouse Route.

To this end, a program has been designed that includes the visit to the fundamental resources of this territory, complementing them with a work day and a networking session that ends with a skew of marine inspiration. Those interested in participating can register by filling in the questionnaire that is accessed by clicking on the following link: http://bit.ly/FamTripsRutadosFaros. They will also be able to make use of the specific public transport that will stop at 8:00 in FEXDEGA, at 8:20 at the gas station at the entrance of Rianxo and in the municipality of Muros at 8:30.

This event will include a visit to the Vilán Lighthouse, the Congro Drier, the Virgen de la Barca Sanctuary, the Man Museum and the Shellfish Route and the Two Wrecks. Rincon da Baiuca will be the local manager of the sea skewer.

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