A trip by the firmament of the region


A trip by the firmament of the region

In a dotted region by the ocean of north to south, many are the points in which the lovers of the sky gather to raise the sight and leave embrace by the firmament.

The Monday, several points of the Costa da Morte filled of curious that took advantage of the occasion to do doublet and observe how the moon covered part of the star king while it fell on the mar. In Vilán, signals Tania Carreira, guide of the faro, already is usual to see the parking to rebosar of cars coinciding with the put of sun. And no only beside the building, but also in the beaches that surround it and where can witness one of the best images of all Camariñas. Touriñán, bathed a pair of times to the year by the last ray of sun of the continental Europe, steps strong and follows in its footsteps Fisterra like mausoleum of the put of sun.

The Monday also was visited by a hundred of people that approached to the cape muxián to witness the eclipse. In Laxe, beside the faro, saw a very similar image, with the oriels to rebosar of curiosos.ya in Fisterra, exist one thousand and some forms to marvel raising the sight to the firmament, but one of the most original offers it a company of nautical tourism of the place, that has daily routes in ship to witness the ocaso from the sea, together with a glass and an appetizer.

All a show and a deleite for the five senses. In earth firmeHay likewise alternative earth inside, where the soft beat of the waves substitutes by the silence of the enclosed night. Several editions afterwards, the Route give Estrelas of Cabana is already an usual appointment for which enjoy of the astronomical observation in some virgin surroundings and without the pollution lumínica of which suffer from the urban areas

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