Ayudas de la Diputación provincial de A Coruña a los geodestinos, entre ellos el de #CostadaMorte
The Deputation of A Coruña approved the definite granting of the program of subsidies headed to entes of management, associations, mancomunities and tourist consortiums for the improvement of the quality and the competitiveness in the six geodestinos of the province, one of them the one of the Costa da Morte. They are helps for the realisation of activities along this year: in total, will deliver 560.000 euros. In the case of the Costa da Morte, the Deputation will contribute with 20.000 to the development of the program Or Encaixe no Camiño, of the that commissions the employers of the association of Camariñas. It includes an exhibition in the faro Vilán, a route from Camariñas until Santiago and a celebration in which it will re-create the legend on the origin of the lace. The geodestino Ferrolterra is the one who more helps concentrates of the eight.