Camino Clean will clean the waste of "Costa da Morte"

Camino Clean will clean the waste of "Costa da Morte"

On 14th April Camino Clean celebrates his second edition that will consist in a trek of 8 km, the distance that separates Praia do Face and Lires, following the Camiño two Faros and the Way of Fisterra to Muxía. They will collect waste, like plastic and rubbish, that find along this route, keeping it clean and avoiding possible damages caused by these as, for example, the fires.

The collaborators of this initiative will begin his trek to the 11.30 in the Praia do Rostro, where the organisers of the same will do delivery of the pack Camino Clean, that contains all the necessary to surpass successfully this day. The participants, previous registration, will be able to arrive until the point of start by means of the use of the coach facilitated by Tee Travel, that will go out of Vilagarcía of Arousa to the 8.30 hours and will realise a stop in Compostela to the 9.15 hours.
Finally of the works of collected, to the 14.30 hours, the participants in the activity will be able to enjoy of an informal breakfast in Lires. To the 17.00 hours the coach will return to the cities of origin, being Santiago de Compostela the first stop.

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