CMAT celebrated yesterday a meeting at the City council of Fisterra with distinct companies of plunge and sea tourism.

CMAT celebrated yesterday a meeting at the City council of Fisterra with distinct companies of plunge and sea tourism.

The CMAT celebrated yesterday a meeting at the City council of Fisterra with distinct companies of plunge and sea tourism. The mayors of Laxe and Fisterra and to lieutenant mayor of Corcubión and distinct associations of the Costa da Morte was there.

The meeting will serve to unify the development of the sea tourism and plunge and his participation in the Wildsea Atlantic Ocean Heritage Route ( WAOH! Route), in the which Tourism of Galicia takes part beside the United Kingdom, Ireland and Portuga. An opportunity that allows to establish works with the nautical sports, the enogastronomy, the sailor tourism and the rich maritime archaeology of the Costa da Morte.

This initiative, promoted by Tourism of Galicia, makes an election of three zones by destination, in the that stirs the Estuary Corcubión inside wool Costa da Morte, and since it CMAT intended to enlarge this zone of nautical activities and plunge. This new route will allow the combination of nautical activities like routes in kaiak, views of cetaceans or even activities to discover the maritime heritage... The WAOH! Route It will attract a market in growth, especially in the international field and account with the support of the European Union.

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