CMAT convenes a local sectorial reunion with an objective to includes Costa da Morte in WAOH! Route.

CMAT convenes a local sectorial reunion with an objective to includes Costa da Morte  in WAOH! Route.

The meeting will realize with date Friday 27 of April of 11:00 To 13:00H in the Salon of Plenaries of the City council of Fisterra. The past Tuesday 3 of April, to CMAT took part in the day of work of the European project "Wildsea Atlantic Ocean Heritage Route" (WAOH! Route), in the that Tourism of Galicia is partner beside other European entities. The object of the project is created an atlantic mark of tourism of sustainable plunge. Although the main activity is the plunge, also will include other nautical activities and/or realized in the coastal (routes in ship, surf, sighting of cetaceans...).

Tourism of Galicia has to present 3 zones, with 3 places of each zone, to represent the Galician territory. A priori, the entity establishes: Mariña Person from Lugo, Estuary of Corcubión and Estuary of Arousa. Although they see difficult can realize big changes in the selection of the zones, leave margin so that the agents involved argue the zones that consider have to form part of the project. In fact, they are opened to receive reports and arguments, since they want that the agents take part actively.

With the object to present it Costa da Morte as one of the zones, from it CMAT summons a MESA DE SECTORIAL WORK CON OFFSHORE CITY COUNCILS, MUSEUMS DO MAR, GALPS And COMPANIES DE NAUTICAL OCIO, so as to collect information relevante on it offers of this type of activities and the quality of the coastal to practise them along all the year (taking this factor like important reference, since the mark has to favour the desestacionalización of the lawsuit).

To facilitate the coordination, the recopilación and the treatment of the information, to CMAT, will attach ones sign to cover by all the agents that offer nautical activities with ends of ocio/recreativo, like this eat touristic accommodations (hotels and houses of rural tourism) than are next to the coast and/or offer special services to tourists interested in the dive and ocio nautical.

Those agents interested in taking part actively in the project, that will have a length of 2 years, will have to confirm his participation in the electronic address: admincmat@visitacostadamorte.com, covering sign them corresponding and including any documentation and information that consider of relevance stop the positioning of Costa da Morte like destination of plunge and tourism naútico.

Since the agency of tourism (CMAT) prayed the confirmation of the his participation in the project before the day 4 of May of 2018, like this eat the confirmation of assistance to the meeting of the day 27, before the day 25 of April.


 Descargar Anexo 1 (Nautical Enterprises)

 Descargar Anexo 2 (Specialized accommodations)

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