CMAT approves the composition of the new board of directors for the next two years


CMAT approves the composition of the new board of directors for the next two years

The Mayor of Vimianzo, Dª Mónica Rodríguez, will lead the management team for the next two years, assuming the Presidency of the tourism management body of Costa da Morte.


Last Monday, June 21, an Assembly of the CMAT (Costa da Morte Tourist Association) was held in Vimianzo, in which, among other points to be discussed, the election of the new Board of Directors took place, after two years of the previous President, the mayor of Muxía, D. Santiago Toba.

The new Board of Directors, elected unanimously, is composed of representatives of the municipalities of Vimianzo (Presidency), Camariñas (Vice Presidency), Cabana de Bergantiños (Treasury), APTCM (Secretariat and first member), Fisterra (second member) and Carballo (third vowel).

Thanking the good work in the management of the entity carried out by the previous management team, especially Mr. Santiago Toba as President, Mr. José Manuel López as Vice President and Mr. José Luis Pérez as member, begins a new stage in the geodestination, with an excited team and with a desire to work together for the development and tourist promotion of the Costa da Morte destination.

Within the framework of the assembly, all partners were informed of the resolution of the aid of the Deputation of A Coruña for the activities of 2021, where online marketing will have a special role, the Camino Fisterra - Muxía, (in honor of the celebration of Año Santo Jacobeo), realization of several blog trips, the positioning of Costa da Morte as a family destination, and the realization of different audiovisual elements that promote the experiences and emotions that can be lived around the natural and cultural heritage of Costa da Morte.

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