CMAT will be present at the II Nautical Fair of Camariñas with four stands and a round table about sustainable tourism.

CMAT will be present at the II Nautical Fair of Camariñas with four stands and  a round table about sustainable tourism.

This weekend of 22, 23 and 24th of June, the nautical world will have his point of meeting in Camariñas. The II Nautical Fair of Camariñas that will inaugurate this next Friday, 22 of June, to the 11,15 h. The CMAT collaborates which organisation of the event betting by a senior promotion of this type of activities in the Costa da Morte. During this weekend, CMAT will have of four huts with information and material touristic of  Costa da Morte, explaining with the cooperation of the city councils of Costa da Morte and other local entities.

Besides to CMAT organizes stop the Saturday, 23th of June, some interesting reports that finalized with a round table: "The fortresses and opportunities of the sustainable tourism in the Costa da Morte". The CMAT, APTCM, GALP and the GDR, will take part , where also will give account of the wealth of the underwater heritage  in the region with professional divers of Plunge Finisterre and Plunge Malpica. Like strong dish gave reports to presentation of the project WAOH! Route By part of Tourism of Galicia where Costa da Morte outlined as one of the but important locations of plunge tpurism in the Galician geography.
During this conclave, are realizing an exhaustive query to the touristic sector of Costa da Morte, through meetings, interviews and surveys, to detect the  most important needs , priorities and the vision of future stop the destination. The reflection of this work of field will reflect in the Plan of Action of Tourism of Costa da Morte, that finds in his own final redaction phase.

Ademáis We found organizing a Formative Program stop the Touristic Sector of Costa da Morte. This program will be focused to 4 lines prioritarias: gastronomy. zero kilometer, English for hostelry and tourism, interpretation and marketing of the natural and cultural heritage, and strengthening of the active tourism, sportive and of adventure.

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