Conference of the writer and historian Xosé María Lemma Suárez
The Saturday 21 October to the 19.00 hours in the Museum of the Sea of Laxe, Xosé María Lemma Suárez will give a conference titled "Ace Penalties: happened, present and future".
The tourist project relaxese 2017 devotes the month of October to put in value the archaeologic tourism, understood are you like a typology of alternative tourism to the cultural tourism, that centres fundamentally in the conservation and divulging of the yacimientos archaeologic.
One of the main attributes that pretends to promote the Concejalía of Tourism of Laxe for the divulging of this tourist modality, is the yacimiento of the Crags of Runway and Fetter, already officially Declared Landscape Protected in the year 2009.
With this reason, Xosé María Lemma Suárez, coautor of the guide of the Crags of Runway and Fetter, will offer them a conference, opened to all the publics, with which will give to know the extraodinario charm and potential of this Landscape Protected.