Council of Carnota programs three "Andainas Saludables" during december and January
The City council of Carnota organises the following "Andainas Saludables" by some of the most emblematic places of the municipality:
03/12/2017 Route 1: Stands sailor Way of the Sides
17/12/2017 Route 2: Open Archaeologic Museum
14/01/2018 Route 3: Rise to the Mountain Pindo
Route 1: Stands sailor-Way of the Sides. Circular route with start and end in the schools of Caldebarcos. The route passes by the bank of the sea, observing the stands of sailors and the ancient factories of salazón, for afterwards cross the coast until the Insuela beach. Then will confine us in Panchés and will rise until Chan de Lamas, where can see and touch the Pindo Mountain. The return will do by the Camiño dos Costados until arriving to the starting point.The organisation puts for the participants the showers of the school of Caldebarcos. The term of registration is opened until the Wednesday before each career. The people inscribed will receive a confirmation e-mail.