Deputation of A Coruña trust the management of the Dolmen of Dombate in the City council of Cabana de Bergantiños

Deputation of A Coruña trust the management of the Dolmen of Dombate in the City council of Cabana de Bergantiños

The Deputation of the Coruña and the City council of Cabin of Bergantiños signed the agreement stop the management of visits of the Dolmen of Dombate that includes a program of activities around of the monument. The area of Heritage, directed put deputy Xesús Basement, continues like this with the model that puts the management of the heritage in hands of the city councils,

The deputy and responsible of the area of Heritage of the Deputation of the Coruña, Xesús Basement, and the mayor of the City council of Cabin of Bergantiños, José Muiño, signed a new agreement cooperation by means of which both entities engaged to intensify his collaboration in the cultural and touristic management of the dolmen of Dombate. Like this, the Deputation attaches a split economic of 60.000 euros finally to offer the services of attention to visiting of the joint megalítico, in addition to promoting different complementary activities around of one of the emblems patrimoniais of the Deputation.

After undertaking multiple performances of improvement in the protection, preservation and rehabilitación of the dolmen, the Deputation of the Coruña goes back to trust the management of visiting in the City council of Cabin of Bergantiños, in one new model that is developing us his main goods patrimoniais that spend to be managed from it govern municipal of the territory in the that find . In addition to attending the visiting, the agreement contemplates a group of activities that supplement the big attractive and historical and artistic interest that possesses to known how ?Cathedral of the megalitismo? In Galicia.

In this felt, the Deputation and the city council bergatiñán designed a program stop this year 2018 in that together with the visits and obradoiros of prehistory destined to tourists and school, add diverse conferences, talks and musical events that will contribute to the knowledge and divulging of the monument.

It go in the activities planned, highlight the celebration of the obradoiros of prehistory ?The grain make up of the Neolítico. The ceramic? Or ?The colours of Dombate. Magic paintings?, in addition to the termed ?Route of the stars?, a visit guided in that the visitors will be able to contemplate the rain of stars from it mount Borneiro in the night of Healthy Lourenzo. This same escenario, the hill of Borneiro, will receive a route cicloturística that will convert the surroundings of Dombate in the capital of the Arqueociclismo.

Finally, the agreement establishes the celebration of different activities of marked cultural character where the music and the theater will be the main characters, being salientables the cycle ?Spring in Dombate? Or the call ?Máster Class Musical?, where the classical and traditional sounds Galicians filled of show the Archaeologic Centre of Dombate.

The Dolmen of Dombate go it to me part of the Heritage of the Deputation of the Coruña from the year 1975, being one of the monuments megalíticos more relevantes of the Galician heritage, and being declared Well of Cultural Interest since 1985.

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