I Sailing Camp Costa da Morte 2019


I Sailing Camp Costa da Morte 2019

Last September 1st began the "I Sailing Camp" called "I nautical coexistence Costa da Morte" and promoted by Loreto Núñez Varela and Gabriel González.

This project, held from September 1 to 8, was born as a joint initiative of several entities such as Club Náutico de Camariñas, the City Council of Camariñas and the company UBUNTU for the promotion of water sports in Costa da Morte.

Participants in this camp from Camariñas, Vimianzo, Carballo, A Coruña and Lanzarote enjoyed and discovered the beauty of our land practicing disciplines such as Sailing, Windsurfing, Kayaking, Surfing, Hiking trails, Yoga and meditation.

A whole experience that we hope will be repeated for years.

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