Interview with Esteban Blanco, biologist and head of the Laracha aquaculture plant

Interview with Esteban Blanco, biologist and head of the Laracha aquaculture plant

We continue with the interviews to the city councils with the city council of A Laracha. The municipality of A Laracha is the gateway to the Costa da Morte, with the water, salty from the Atlantic Ocean that bathes Caión and the rivers that flow inland, among which the Anllóns stands out, as the nexus of its vast territory. From Soandres or Montemaior, where the highest altitudes are located, to the sea level at the beach of Caión, the municipality has immense landscapes for the enjoyment of its visitors. 

Today we show you the municipality from the point of view of Esteban Blanco, biologist and head of the aquaculture plant. He is a native of Caión and president of the Arume Cultural Association, a reference entity in that village and also in the whole of the A Laracha Town Council, which currently has more than 200 members. We leave you the best answers:

What feelings does Costa da Morte awake for you? What does it mean for you?

For me, "Costa da Morte" means IDENTITY, BELONGING, SALT... A way of life of expression always linked to the sea and its influence. A land of manoeuvres, tambourines and improvised dialectical disputes.

Three reasons to discover it

Only THREE is complicated... Nature, gastronomy, heritage, sport, landscape...

What time of the year do you like Costa da Morte best and why?

Every season has its attraction in Costa da Morte, although for me the most enjoyable time of the year is always the summer.

For tourists who come to visit you outside the summer season, what experiences are not to be missed?

Routes next to the coast with the sea unleashed and sparkling, quiet routes along the Anllóns, gastronomic routes, surfing on spectacular beaches, visits to lighthouses, sanctuaries, museums, pazos (country houses)...

Besides the visit to the Costa da Morte Mills Interpretation Centre, what other places or experiences are not to be missed?

In A Laracha you should not miss the Monastery of San Pedro de Soandres, the recreational area of Gabenlle (A Laracha), the incredible views of Caión from any slope and the fair of Paiosaco on the first and third Sunday of every month. On leaving our town council, special mention must be made of the Illas Sisargas (Malpica), the Cabo Vilán lighthouse, the English cemetery in Camariñas, the Man Museum in Camelle and a very long etcetera.

Galicia in general, and Costa da Morte in particular, are synonymous with good food, any recommendations of typical dishes to discover A Laracha through the palate?

Any seafood and fish from the coast can be found prepared with exquisite taste at most of the restaurants on the Costa da Morte. I highly recommend always trying the omelette, a humble dish but with a first quality raw material that delights all palates.

What do your visitors tell you, what do they love most about their stay in A Laracha and about Costa da Morte?

The tranquillity, especially for families with children and the elderly. The beaches, the good food, the variety of leisure facilities, the local fiestas, the nature and the scenery.

Your three favourite beaches on the Costa da Morte, why those, and for lovers of surfing and other water sports activities?

Balarés in Ponteceso, Langosteira in Fisterra and, of course, As Salseiras in Caión.

For those who love hiking... Which one do you recommend in your municipality and which is your favourite in Costa da Morte?

Without any doubt, the route that runs along the coast and connects Malpica de Bergantiños with Fisterra. The so-called "Ruta dos Faros" is a fantastic experience to do in several stages and in company along more than 150 km. To walk, enjoy the landscape and discover other perspectives.

Which place do you think is the great unknown in Costa da Morte but has a great interest or potential?

The "CALDERAS DO CASTRO", in Muxía. We went this summer and the truth is that they are waterfalls with natural pools worked by the river in the rocks. They are ideal for a day's swimming in summer. They have an area with tables in the shade for lunch and snacks in large groups of people.

Where do we find the best sunset?

I'm going to go home... Undoubtedly, the one you can enjoy from CAIÓN.

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