It begins the schedule of low season in the Torres do Allo.

It begins the schedule of low season in the Torres do Allo.

This past Sunday 16th of September closed the high season in the pazo more ancient of Galicia. A lovely concert of the dúo folk Caamaño-Plums served like final colophon it a historical summer in the Torres do Allo. More of one hundred people acudiron to the convocatorio of the Department of Culture of Zas to give by finalized the high season in the pazo do Allo. From this week, since this Monday 17 of September and tie the 15 of June of the year that comes (except Saint Week), the monument of the Towers of the Garlic will open the Saturdays, Sundays and festive in schedule of 11:00 of the morning to 19:00 of the afternoon. The visits guided free will follow being to the 13:00 and to the 17:00; it is not necessary to do reservation.

We continue with the activities stop all the family with the Game of Tracks "The Unseen Secrets in the Towers" that can realize it any hour in schedule of opening and also without previous reservation. No like this it Get away it Room "Pazo do Allo", an innovative game of escapism for groups of people adults, that finalized also this Sunday spent with a success out of all forecast. In him took part more of 500 people from everywhere of Galicia and of the rest of the Been with a degree of satisfaction very high that does to think already in the next edition.

This autumn will give beginning also the Didactic Program of the Torres do Allo focused to the educational community with visits guided adapted it each stretch of age and obradoiro school like Sementes do Allo, Shield of Family, the Xincana do Allo and Knitting my Clothes. These activities will realize the Fridays and are totally free under previous reservation by part of the school centres. Since the web www.torresdoallo.gal can be downloaded the folder however the didactic program, consult the new schedules of opening, and remain atentx to the special activities that realize during all the year in the monument of the City council of Zas.

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