Mazachef and the III Campus of Soccer Fútbol,are proposals for kids in Mazaricos

Mazachef and the III Campus of Soccer Fútbol,are proposals for kids in Mazaricos

The City council organizes two activities, the senior of the camp that already is to develop so that the girls and boys of Mazaricos have a fun summer and his families can conciliate. Begins the third Campus of Football. The technicians of sport of the City council hope that the success of the two previous announcements repeat this year. The registrations will do in the 981 86 71 04 in schedule of 08.00h. To 14.00h. The activity will be of the 23 to the 31 of July. They can noted girls and boys of Mazaricos and also of other city councils.

Besides, it arrives the first edition of Mazachef, an obradoiro of kitchen destined to boys and young of amongst 12 and 16 years. It Will develop of the 1 to the 10 of August in the gastronomic classroom. Any person of the City council that want to noted has to download the authorization in the web www.mazaricos.gal.


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