Mediaeval Market of Corcubión
It fulfils 18 years or Mediaeval Market Costa da Morte. It fulfils 18 years in this edition. A lot of no Bought novelties,no that you s strong points will develop in the beach of Quenxe , or Friday with the Desembarco, and or Saturday with the Mediaeval Tournament, that still could repeat or Sunday. Everything seems unify so that this was, but the best, yes join of the best editions of the Bought Mediaeval of Corcubión. This year is it of the majority of age -go 18 editions- and, besides, important, recovers the recreation of the landing, piece pin that it distinguishes the this appointment. It arrived the day. This afternoon disturb everything. It starts to the 18.00 hours. This is not a market easily sustitute, without nutrients, but based in a done historical precise: the desembarco of the troops of the archbishop Rodrigo de Lúa in the seat around the middle of the century XV, in the year 1457.
Corcubión is the small perla of the Costa da Morte. It could not have better decorated that the old part of this municipality, centre of all the activities, an ancient helmet declared artistic historical group by the that is very fácil to travel in the time the another period.
A lot of animation, music well varied -especially folk, but also with Arab airs-, theater... Of all this there will be in this Bought Mediaeval that will prolong tie the Sunday and whose places will remain opened this same afternoon, to the six, with constante shows each average hour. Clowns, music, magic, mythology... Everything will go heating motor stop one of the most expected moments, the recreation of the Landing.
It Will be in the Beach of Quenxe, this night, to the 22.30. Some neighbours will be soldiers. Others, inhabitants of the small town that do regarding the arrived. Pure show, as the mediaeval tournaments planned stop the afternoons of the Saturday or the Sunday or the sessions with the group Party, that returns to the seat with a put of scene in big format: music and fire at the 23.00 hours of the Saturday, under the name of "Errantes". It remains by in front a really big weekend, with the put opened of 11.00 to 15.00 and of 17.00 until 00.30.
In the Campo do Rolo will be situated the childish zone, a point of meeting where practically each fifteen minutes will have activities to the his disposal, so that parents and families will be able to enjoy of the bought with the peace to know them entertained and cares. The space boosted this year. There there will be from pintacaras until malabares, going through a school of small gentlemen, mesmamente, and tie by a workshop of shields heráldicos and another of coining of coins. Today in the afternoon, tomorrow and the Sunday, all the day, from them 11.00 hours. There is not apology!