Next Tuesday it will develop in Carballo a destined Seminar to the creation of proposals and models of business in the field of the hospitality industry and the tourism.

Next Tuesday it will develop  in Carballo  a destined Seminar to  the creation of proposals and models of business in the field of the hospitality industry and the tourism.


It´s Seminar focused in much to companies already existent as to emprendedores/ace, in which they identify the bases on which the businesses create, provide and attract value, as well as possible areas of improvement and roads of diversification. By means of a very dynamic session, with practical cases in groups and a length of 8 hours in an only day, analyse the market, the customers, the products or the channels of commercialisation.

When: Tuesday 31 October 2017.
Where: Forum of Carballo. Praza Two Bombeiros Voluntary, s/n. 15100 Carballo
How: by means of the employment of practical cases based in real companies and the methodology of the Canvas, tool that boosts the understanding, the debate, the creativity and the analysis.
For the one who: employers/ace, profeisionales and emprendedores/ace of the hotel and catering industry or tourist.
With who: José Manuel Suárez and Pablo Domínguez Fariña, of Iuni Consulting, experts in tourist consulting and support to projects in the service sector.
Cost: free seminar.
Schedule: of 9 to 14h. And of 15:30 to 18:30 h.
This Seminar integrates in the Plan of Training of the Clúster of Tourism of Galicia, headed to improve the capacities and professional qualification of the managerial profiles of the sector. It has the support of the Agency of Tourism of Galicia and consists of more than 300 hours of qualification, that will develop along all the Galician geography. His organisation has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the Concello of Carballo and of Costa da Morte, Association of Tourism CMAT

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