"O Concello de Zas pon en marcha nas Torres do Allo un programa didáctico dirixido a centros educativos"

"O Concello de Zas pon en marcha nas Torres do Allo un programa didáctico dirixido a centros educativos"

The next month of May start the own school activities of the Torres do Allo with visits and workshops for each cycle. All the Fridays the Pazo do Allo will be opened so that the school centres can visit it with previous reservation.

The Concelleríla of Culture of the City council of Zas has smart an ambitious didactic program for the monument of the Torres do Allo. From the next month of May start the own didactic activities of the pazo. The Torres do Allo is an ideal place to realise a school visit in some natural surroundings, authentic and stimulating. The educational visits to the Torres do Allo complete with a varied offer of didactic workshops adapted to each school cycle.
Through the web page of the Torres do Allo (www.torresdoallo.gal) The educational centres can download the School Folder where found all the details related with the workshops and didactic visits. All the activities, visits and workshops are free. Also they can inform through the electronic direction: info@torresdoallo.gal.

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