Thirty-five entities of the Costa da Morte receive the SICTED Tourist Quality distinction in Baio
The Costa da Morte Tourism Association (CMAT) presents the diplomas that recognise the good work of these entities in the field of tourism
The registration period is now open for the entities that wish to join this year's edition
ZAS, 22/03/2024. The 35 entities recognised with the distinction of the Costa da Morte Integrated Tourism Quality System in Destination took part in the SICTED diploma award ceremony organised by the CMAT and held in the sociocultural centre of Baio (Zas) on Thursday 21st March.
During the event, in addition to the presentation of the diplomas to the entities, there was also time to highlight the important work being done in the Costa da Morte in the field of tourism.
Public and private sector working together
The event was opened with the intervention of Manuel Muíño, president of the CMAT and mayor of Zas, who once again stressed the importance of both the public and private sectors working together and with continuity in order to reach the goal of developing Costa da Morte as a different tourist destination, enhancing its strengths: "It is important to highlight the integration of SICTED and astrotourism projects. In this sense, SICTED can serve as a link between local public and private tourism stakeholders. In this way, they can cooperate in the design and development of activities that serve for the tourist progress of the Costa da Morte, such as the VII International Starlight Meeting".
Precisely in this international event CMAT will work in the coordination of the activities and will compose its social programme, in which those companies and public tourist services members of CMAT and APTCM will have priority of participation and, especially, those who actively participate in the activities promoted by CMAT, especially in the SICTED and also the Starlight Monitors and Monitors.
The second intervention came from the vice-president of the Provincial Council of Coruña and deputy for Tourism, Xosé Regueira, who also wanted to underline the important work being carried out by these 35 and other entities that every day strive to improve the tourist brand of Costa da Morte. He also wanted to use part of his speech to congratulate the CMAT for "initiating this path of commitment to tourism quality".
The continuity of SICTED in Costa da Morte
Within the event there was also room for the interventions of Marta Rodríguez, member of the technical secretariat of the CMAT and also SICTED Manager in the territory of the Costa da Morte and Emilio Cuíñas, director of Autoxiro and SICTED consultant. Both highlighted technical aspects related to the Integrated Tourism Quality System in Costa da Morte Destination.
Marta Rodríguez took the opportunity to highlight the importance of the role of the tourism entities: "In addition to the support from CMAT and the Provincial Council of A Coruña, we must recognise the great effort of all the people who are going to receive this recognition today, because you have to dedicate a lot of time, self-criticism and commitment to tourism quality".
Emilio Cuíñas provided information on the chronological planning of SICTED Costa da Morte for this year 2024. In this sense, the entities already distinguished will pass to a second cycle and a new period of adhesion to Cycle 1 will be opened for new companies and other tourist services. The aim is to develop this project between April and November 2024.
After the official presentation of the diplomas that recognise the good work of these entities in the field of tourism, Pepe Formoso, president of the Association of Tourism Professionals and Entrepreneurs of the Costa da Morte (APTCM), closed the event with a speech to vindicate the work capacity and the good synergies of the private sector to value the territory of the Costa da Morte in terms of tourism: "We are already around 170 members, we continue to grow, and we are currently working from APTCM on a second edition of Months with R".
The registration period for the new year is now open
The registration period is now open for entities wishing to join SICTED this year. All the information about the procedure, deadlines and others can be found on the CMAT website. In order to apply for membership of SICTED for restaurants, craftsmen and craftswomen and local craft trades - in addition to the trades already represented - it is necessary to do so through the following link:
Vídeo from the event:
+ info: Costa da Morte Asociación Turística - CMAT Press Office. 623 29 77 99