The application period for companies and tourist services to join the Costa da Morte SICTED is now open

The application period for companies and tourist services to join the Costa da Morte SICTED is now open

The Tourism Quality System in Destination, more popularly known as SICTED, is a project of the State Secretariat for Tourism (SETUR), which has its own methodology that contributes to implementing a quality management system in tourist destinations, taking into account the different local tourism agents, both public and private. The member destinations and the companies and entities that meet the requirements obtain the "Tourism Quality Commitment" badge, which accredits the participants and recognises their efforts and commitment to quality and continuous improvement.

This methodology is based on a global vision of the destination, which is, precisely, one of the objectives of the CMAT as the managing body of tourism in Costa da Morte. The aim is to ensure that the visitor's experience in Costa da Morte is of quality, taking into account the use, enjoyment and/or consumption of the tourist infrastructures and services during their trip.

Implementing the SICTED in Costa da Morte was one of the activities promoted within the CMAT Action Plan, and it has been this year, in 2023, when the optimal conditions have been given to develop the project, which is co-financed by the Deputation of A Coruña, through the aids to the tourist management bodies of the province.

This methodology has several implementation cycles, which usually last one year per cycle. Each cycle requires the fulfilment of certain requirements, which are especially related to the attendance to several training modules on the methodology, customer service, good practices manuals, SICTED technological platform, legislation applied to tourism, etc. It also includes individualised advice on quality, the design and implementation of improvement plans, and collective workshops to resolve possible doubts and address issues of interest to each destination.

The CMAT, thanks to the support of the Deputación da Coruña and Turismo de Galicia, is already adhered to the SICTED as a Management Body, and already has a professional team certified by the Secretary of State for Tourism, to support the territory and the companies and town councils in the implementation of the system. The objective is to develop the project between 20 June and 30 November 2023, in order to be able to present the membership proposal to the SICTED Committee, which is expected to be held in December. There will be a break between 1 July and 15 September, as this is the high season and the busiest time in the local tourism sector. If the project is successful, it is hoped to be able to continue with Cycle 2 in 2024, as well as giving access to more companies starting next year from Cycle 1.

Who can join in cycle 1 of SICTED Costa da Morte:

This Cycle 1, a total of 40 tourist companies/entities of Costa da Morte will be able to join the project, registered as: rural tourism houses, hotels, tourist flats, tourist hostels, active tourism/nautical leisure companies, tourist information offices and museums.

How to apply for project membership and application assessment process:

Companies or entities interested in joining may apply for a place through the form on the SICTED platform between 13 and 20 June 2023. On the 21st, the CMAT will communicate by email the allocation of places. In the event that there are more applications than places, the following criteria will be applied:

  • Territorial balance: an equitable distribution of companies/services and at least 2 companies/services per municipality will be sought.
  • CMAT members: in the event that there are several companies/services applying for membership in a municipality, preference will be given to those that are members of APTCM.
  • Quality distinctions prior to SICTED: after applying the first two criteria, preference will be given to those that already have a quality distinction such as the Q for quality, S for Sustainability, ISO 9001, etc.

You can apply for your place in the following link, indicating Costa da Morte as Destination:  https://www.calidadendestino.es/Contenidos/AdhesionSistema.aspx


Communication of places:

From 20 June, the allocation of places will be communicated to the applicant companies/entities through the SICTED platform and, additionally, by e-mail.


Presentation of the project:

On Wednesday 14th, an online meeting will be held from 11:30 to 12:30h for all interested people, with the participation of Pepe Formoso, as Secretary of CMAT and President of APTCM, Marta Rodríguez, as part of the CMAT Technical Secretariat team and as certified SICTED Manager in Costa da Morte, and Emilio Cuíñas, CEO of the company Autoxiro, who will lead the team that will support CMAT in the implementation of the project and will carry out the trainings, workshops and individualised visits. In the meeting, the objectives of the project will be explained and all the necessary doubts and queries will be solved. The meeting will be held through the ZOOM platform at the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85810635817?pwd=cWdVbkZpOHI2eVJudDFVR0R3bDNydz09 

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