The City council of Mazaricos suited to dairy products in the World-wide Day of the Milk

The City council of Mazaricos suited to dairy products in the World-wide Day of the Milk

The 1st of June celebrates the World-wide Day of the Milk. To commemorate it, the City council will invite to dairy products it the one who attach by the municipal offices. For tusi use, thee Mazaricos cow will be in the municipal dependencies.

Besides them and the boys of the Childish School will attach to the City council for taste dairy products and milk to the Mazaricos. "Like in other activities, treat to attach to the smallest to the that are, to the essence of Mazaricos and Mazaricos would not be such without the sector agrogandeiro", it affirmed the mayor, Juan José Blanco Riveiro. "It is the second year that celebrate with the neighbourhood that attaches to the City council this day because like this remember the economic importance and also social of this product, and no only stop our municipality, to Galicia", concluded Blanco.

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