The CMAT inaugurates his workshops at the Culture House of Vimianzo.

The CMAT inaugurates his workshops at the Culture House of Vimianzo.

During morning of today developed the first of the three tables of work that have planned stop this month of May by part of CMAT (Costa da Morte Tourism Association) to obtain a true answer by part of the agents involved in the writeof a Tourism Plan for Costa da Morte.

In the sectorial table that today took place in the House of the Culture of Vimianzo, took part 9 representates of public entities and 8 of entes deprived belonging to the city councils of Muxía, Camariñas, Zas and Vimianzo. Also they wanted to be present the GDR and the GALP "Costa da Morte".

The there present developed 4 dynamics of group that will serve to the manufacture of a Plan of Touristic Action stop the xeodestino "Costa da Morte". CMAT search, an unification of criteria by part of the representatives of entes public and privates of the xeodestino, stop the development of a common plan that put in heaves all the positive values of the 17 city councils.

The next meetings proposed by the CMAT will take place the next day 15 of May in Cee and the 28 of the even month in Carballo, in schedule of 11:00 to 13:30h. Since CMAT it´s very important seat the bases of the Tourism Plan in consensus with the local agents, and that all the information that attributed in this type of interactions will be used put team redactor stop the design of a joint plan, of all and stop all.

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