The CMAT supports colaboration between the companies of the touristic sector of Costa da Morte.

The CMAT supports colaboration between  the companies of the touristic sector of Costa da Morte.

Buceo Malpica proposes a visit of bucket them Sisargas, next Sunday, stop the companies of the touristic sector of the xeodestino. The Cmat supports the initiatives that favour the cooperation amongst companies of the touristic sector of the Costa da Morte, it all those activities that favour a mayor knowledge and divulging of the natural heritage y cultural of the xeodestino. The concordance go in the companies of the sector of to publicize the touristic resources of the destination, the complementary activities and the experiences that pueden disfrutar in all the territory is key to offer ósviaxeiros alternative attractive and of quality.

As Pablo Canosa, secretary of the CMAT, the touristic companies are the best prescriptoras and ambassadors of the ours wealths, having to kept a narrow connection go in all the professional. Yes it does a work of serious cooperation and consensuado; and crossed promotions go in the distinct touristic agents be able to be improved the afluencia touristic, the spent daily means and even the half stay of the visiting.

The first activity that proposes this sinerxia and the developed by Buceo Malpica, and that goes directed to professional of the touristic sector to make known the experience of the Islands Sisargas. This Sunday 20 of May the 10 of the morning taking advantage of the good time and the tempa dabaixa , organized join trip, totally of bucket, stop the companies of the zone that have contemplated this experience us his hotels ,touroperadores ect. The route will have like objective showed them Sisargas and his potencialidade. All the interested in taking part of this experience will have to did by means of previous registration in the number of telephone: 630677910. Since CMAT exists a support and unanimous promotion it this type of initiatives, congratulating the dynamism showed by the companies to hour to propel it Costa da Morte

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