The Deputation of the Coruña invests 200.000 euros in the acquisition of vans for seven clubs of row and canoeing, among them Dumbría canoeing.
The president of the Deputation of A Coruña, Valentín González Formoso, the responsible deputy of the area of Sports, José García Liñares, and the deputies/the provincial Ánxela Frank, José Manuel Pequeño and Ángel García Seoane, was at the past Friday in A Coruña in the act of delivery of vehicles to seven clubs of row and canoeing of the province. The deputation of the Coruña invested 200.000 euros in the acquisition of vans for seven clubs of row and canoeing of the province, go in they the Municipal Sportive Club of Canoeing of Dumbría.
The president of the Deputation, Valentín González Formoso, affirmed that with these acquisitions, the area of Sports of the provincial institution intends to support to the clubs of two nautical sports of long tradition in the province and helped to keep his activity, that requires the transport of material and people so much stop the trainings how stop the participation in competitions.