The Office of Touristic Information of Caión attended more than 400 queries during summer.

The Office of Touristic Information of Caión attended more than 400 queries during summer.

The Municipal Office of Touristic Information (OMIT) of the City council of the Laracha comes to elaborate his report of the activity realized from final of the month of June -in the start of the season of summer- and tie the end of the Festa dos Milagres , is to say, the dates in the that finalizes the high season of presence of visiting in the small town in particular and in the municipality in general. I dictate report reflects the profile of the people that did use of this municipal service during this period.

Firstly it fits to highlight the highlighted volume of queries attended, that climbs to 405, what supposes that to number of people that acudiron to the OMIT surpassed the one thousand since, by general norm. In fact, the profile of the people that visited the City council in this will see indicates that a 68% did it in couple or with friends.

The three main motivations of the tourists to the hour to choose A Laracha how his destination are the nature, the gastronomy and the surf. In this context highlights the beach of Caión, but also the coastal walkways to realize on foot in this same seat, the recreative area  of Gabenlle and the fluvial walk of the Anllóns River. 

28% of the tourists that visited us in this will see are foreign, pertinent mainly of countries how Germany, England, France and Swiss. Of the national visitors the majority hailed from Madrid Castile and León, Basque Country and other points of Galicia.

Almost the half of the tourists affirm to visit the City council of the Laracha for the first time and that the half length of the his trip is of 20 days. The immense majority use the car like means of transport and calls the attention that one of each four users of the OMIT arrived the Caión in autocaravana. It fits to remember that the City council of the Laracha has available two areas of service stop this type of vehicles, one in Xermaña (Caión) and another in Cabovilaño, beside the road AC-552.

The Office of Touristic Information of the City council of the Laracha, attended by technical personnel specialized in the subject, is working in two locations: in the new administrative building of A Laracha (of Tuesday to Friday, of 9:00 to 13:30 hours) and in the ancient rectoral of Caión (of Tuesday to Friday, of 15:30 to 18:30 hours, and the Saturday so much in the morning as in the afternoon).

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