This weekend in Vimianzo, the "Cultural Heritage and Local Development Days" will be held.

This weekend in Vimianzo, the "Cultural Heritage and Local Development Days" will be held.

The first "Days of Cultural Heritage and Local Development" organized by the Asociación de Profesionales de Desarrollo Local de Galicia (AFIPRODEL) will take place on November 30 and December 1 in Vimianzo, in the School of Señorans.

The program will begin with a reception of the assistants and inauguration next Friday. Assistance reception will be followed by a series of informative poisons such as the promotion of the Cultural heritage from municipal action, cultural heritage in tourism strategies. The CMAT will put in value the "Costa da Morte Action Plan" presented by its president and mayor of Mazaricos, Juan José Blanco Riveiro.

On Saturday the day will begin with a networking and coffee reception followed by the intervention of Guillermo González Díez, Manager of the GALP Costa da Morte. They will also be present, among others, throughout the day  the artist and artist, Viki Rivadulla and José Antonio Vila García, manager of the Costa da Morte Rural Development Group that will explain the Leader project in detail. The closure will take place one afternoon after a period of debate about the one exposed throughout the day.

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