Torres do Allo will open on next thursday 17th of may, Day of the Gallician Letters
This week, the most visited monument of the City council of Zas, will receive the visit of the clubs of reading of the I.And.S. End of the Way of Fisterra, the I.E.S. Agra das Raíces de Cee, and the I.E.S. Maximino Romero of Lemma of Baio. This last also will visit the towers next Wednesday with a group of 1º and 2º of the . Like part of the didactic program of the Torres do Allo, that gave beginning at the beginning of month, students of all the region approach to the pazo to know his history through the didactic visits and enjoy of a bucolic outline participating in the special activities designed for them.
Likewise, the Thursday 17 May, with reason of the celebration of the Day of the Galician Letters, the Pazo do Allo will remain opened to the public of 11:00 to 19:00 hours with visits guided to the 13:00 and to the 17:00 where know the history of Vítor López-Seoane, morador of the pazo, and important "galleguista" that formed part of the meetings of the Cave Céltica, beside Pondal, Murguía and Casanova, go in others. This group would be the impulsor of the creation of the Royal Academy Galician.
Like this mesmo, or thursday 17th of may, with reason gives celebration do Day give Letters Galegas, or Pazo do Allo will remain opened to the public at 11:00 to 19:00 hours with visits guided at 13:00 and at 17:00 where knowing the history of Vítor López-Seoane, an important "galleguista" that makes part of the group Cova Céltica with Pondal, Murguía and Casanova. This group would create the Galician Royal Academy.