Torres do Allo will sack an October of intense cultural activity with the last MONOGRAFÍA DO ALLO.

Torres do Allo will sack an October of intense cultural activity with the last MONOGRAFÍA DO ALLO.

The bet for offering during the Saturdays of October a cultural program of quality linked to the pazo of the hand of the best specialist, has an excellent received in the Torres do Allo. Recognised experts, neighbours and visitors approach the pazo zaense to give good account of the interesting MONOGRAFIAS DO ALLO.

After the interventions of the consecrated Galician architect Iago Seara on 14 October and the one of the eminent Chair Biology Geology, Xosé To. Fraga The past Saturday; next Saturday 28 October to the 17h. It will be the last MANUAL DO ALLO to charge of Xosé Mª Lemma, Chair of Geography and History, doctor in History of the art and president of the Seminar of Studies of the Costa da Morte (SEMESCOM). Through his conference "Notice on the pazos and houses hidalgas of the Costa da Morte", will know the value and singularity of the jewels patrimoniales of the region. The assistants will have the possibility when finalising the conference to assist to a visit guided by the surroundings of the pazo and understand the paper that plays each one of the natural elements, ethnographic and religious that compose it.
The greater, and as it is usual, during all the weekend will have a lot of and different options for of form lúdica and distended approach you to the pazo of the Garlic: Every day in opening schedule: free Visits, where can visit the pazo and his surroundings of autonomous way.

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