Tourism grows up at Costa da Morte

Tourism grows up at Costa da Morte

Nava Castro congratulated to the tourist sector of the Costa da Morte by the good registers achieved this year. The fault to be able to compute the last two months, grew the number of travellers until brushing the 131.000. The director of the Galician Tourism stood out especially, the increase of 16% in the number of bed taht people have booked, tie to surpass the 262.000. The travellers remain more time in the Costa da Morte. This wants to say that they find reasons to sleep more time, said her. In this sense,the tourists stays more time in Costa da Morte, and at the ten first months of 2017,  the occupation grew in 8,4 percentual points . "Agora" the exhibition of De mar a mar. "The way of Santiago 3d" are boths one of offerts of Costa da Morte in December. In concrete will be able to see in the market of Fisterra (Rua Fonte Vella 11) until the day 22, of Monday to Friday from 16:30 to 19:00 hours.

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