Virxe da Barca

Virxe da Barca

A stone altar by the sea. "You cannot understand Muxía without A Barca" wrote the local historian Xan Fernández Carrera, author of various books and guides on Muxía. It is even an important event on the local calendar. "I remember some 30 or 40 years ago, when you asked somebody when they were going to do something they would reply before or after A Barca".

The place is quite stunning. There is the church itself and the atrium that extends beyond its walls down to the "magic" rocks, said to have curative and divine properties: The Abalar stone, the Cadrís stone and the Temón stone. According to legend, they are the remains of the boat in which the Virgin Mary arrived to encourage the Apostle Santiago (St James) in his attempts to convert the people to Christianity.

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