“Workshop about New Technologies and his impact in the tourist sector”
Next Thursday day 30th of November in the House of the Culture of Vimianzo from the 18:00 it will develop the "Workshop about New Technologies and his impact in the tourist sector". This activity, totally free for the assistants, is inside the III Plan of Training of the Clúster of Tourism of Galicia. You can inscribe you through the following link https://www.iffe.es/formacion-cluster-turismo-galicia/tecnologia-y-turismo/#tab-1473681069111-4-6b46e-37b6, or calling to this phone number 981 654 772.
This session will consist in a Workshop on New Technologies: Impact and applications to the sector of 2 hours of length, headed to sensitise about the importance of the incorporation of the technology to the management of the tourist companies, already present of massive form in areas like the one of the commercialisation, but with a long route still for doing in questions like the optimisation of processes, the digital management integral, the integration of channels or the differentiation, personalización and study of the customers. The aim of this day is to know the tendencies and possible applications to the sector to keep the current levels of quality and improve the productivity and competitiveness. The speakers will be Jósé Miguel Alarcón and Covadonga Vigil Álvarez two authorities in the tourist sector to national level.