XXVII Carreer of Sands of the City Council of Carnota
Already it is opened the term of registration of the XXVII Carreer of Sands of the City Council of Carnota, is included like an 8º proof in the V Circuit Correndo pola Costa da Morte. The date chosen this year is the day 26 of August. The goal will be placed in the Praza Galicia, of where will go out all those people that wish to take part in this peculiar proof. In the competition can take part so many boys (since them 3 years) how adults. The registrations will realize through the page web www.championchipnorte.com tie the Wednesday 22 of August to the 23:59 h. The application of registration stop the low sportsmen of age will have to go accompanied of an authorization, as a model established by the organization. The said model be able to be downloaded in the page web www.championchipnorte.com and also will be to the yours disposal in the Department of Sports of the City council of Carnota.
The schedule of opening of the tables stop the collected of dorsal will be to the 08:00 h in the House of the City council. The numbers and chips will be able to be collected until 30 minutes before the start the carreer. The collection of the registrations of the proof of 3km will go destined to the Provincial Association Against Cancer. All those people that wish to contribute, without taking part in the career, will be able to did enrolling in the ROW 0 that will appear in the web www.championchipnorte.com