Assault to the Castle

Assault to the  Castle

The assault was born, does already 22 years like an act of rebeldía spontaneous by part of a group of chaval@s of AXVALSO, annoying by the deal that had received "of which can". Of peaceful and cheerful way improvised a night of protests in front of the Castelo.
Proud of his defence -and attack- were further and institutionalised the act. It is born the Round by those dates the "Round". The fault of backrest by part "of which think by and for all" give him even more felt to the starts of the party: it supposed a claim irmandiña and venue in front of the emblem of the municipality, the towers of Martelo.
With the step of the years, the Round attains his settlement, but the time mine the energies of the people that move in these works. The generations exhaust and tend the hand to other hands solidarias and friends that are? Conscious of the value of the party and of the people that imagined it and brought it until the present continues from the 2010 to work in the Round.?
Respecting the original spirit and with a municipality already surrendered to the charms and sense of the party, pretends him give spirit to new artistic demonstrations that add to the classical repertoire composed by theatre, music and gastronomy. True is also that edition to edition try correct all the problems motivated by the greater influx of people. Anyway, it is constant fight to try carry the Round in the best conditions to the future and find there other hands solidarias and fellow.?
In summary, with the Round assist to a look in the time: between the history irmandiña and we, between the monumental stones and we, between us and the future.

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